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+adonit 是一個嶄新的電子產品設計製造公司,我們的成員皆來自業界大廠,包括apple, microsoft 等各國籍菁英,目前設計中心位於台北市信義區,我們有豐富的產品設計經驗及豐沛的業界人脈,能帶來高品質並充滿內涵的優質產品. Working fun, Enjoy working is always our target, and we provide this kind of environment for our employees.
To integrate resources, when the industry leader Financial Holding's of the two subsidiary, and , June 2009, formally merged and renamed , the total premium and the initial annual premium income Market share after the merger, both was ranked second in the market. control of the country the second large listed financial holding company with strait three to the most complete of the fund financial territory, after the merger of in support of FHC resources full force, jointly toward "Asia, a flow of financial institutions' vision forward. Emphasis on innovative thinking to provide customers a full range of insurance wealth management services to customer demand-oriented, business ideas,to provide customers a full range of financial wealth management services. And actively cultivate financial wealth management talent, the whole force towards a new era of large-scale, international, professional.
民國86年元月,楊智雄先生基於市場變化萬千,創立了金玉堂文具連鎖加盟體系,深入了全國各鄉、鎮、市,加盟店總數達到一百多家,為近年來文具加盟業店數之最,創新了文具業的歷史。 民國97年9月18日因公司內部紛紛擾擾不斷,楊智雄先生毅然決然的離開了一手創辦的金玉堂文具,但對於文具的熱忱絲毫不減,經多方的支持與鼓勵,於98年元月匯集了許多經營理念相同的加盟主,再次創辦了(一零一文具天堂),希望能以熱忱的心來照顧加盟主,並對廣大的消費者提供更好的商品及服務來回饋社會。
人事聯絡人:吳旻義 手機:0926723312 e-mail:[email protected] [Money money]是全台第一家以"時尚"為主的帽子專賣店,讓帽子不只是配件,而成為時尚的主流單品,販售許多特別有型,時尚的帽款,想要和別人與眾不同的朋友,歡迎多來逛逛唷~~"Money"也將不定期出國為消費者帶回許多台灣所沒有的帽子款式,讓買家有更多的選擇~~ 公司內也有自己的品牌在開發設計中! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/MONEY-Hat-RICH-IN-MY-MIND/202815603064239
已成立10年網拍經驗 在Y拍與露天都可找到 是全台維修量最大 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/repairpda168 服務最好 營業時間:周一至周五 10:30~21:00 周六 下午13:00至18:00 週日公休 工作單純 整理物料 有網拍經驗 key-in資料 做客服接電話
323 Technology Inc. (ezTable易訂網 www.eztable.com.tw) was founded in 2008 with the mission of creating first online restaurant reservation platform for both restaurateurs and consumers in Taiwan. Currently more than 400 restaurants and hotels have joined our platform, creating more than 20,000 reservations per month. Were moving fast and have a team of 9 super passionate, smart people who pride themselves on exceptional quality work. Our office environment is creative, non-traditional, collaborative and a lot of fun, so if youre a Software Engineer with a passion for delivering elegant solutions and youre looking for an early stage company with scope to grow with a stack of interesting challenges, read on.
We are one of leading companies in global for Auto Optical Inspection systems for Display and Solar industries. Company was established in year 2005 by several PhD in USA, which have >10 years AOI experience in semiconductor industry. In order to reach companys fast growth in both China and Taiwan, we are looking for smart and hard working style partners to join our family.
5 M取名來自於我們提供一天中最健康美味的 五個用餐時段,包含早餐、中餐、下午茶、晚餐 、及宵夜,讓消費者隨時隨地都可以感受到 Five Meal品牌帶給的幸福超質感動。 5 M 成立秉持高品質咖啡、平價化策略,有 效的發揮及運用五個用餐時段,堅持採用精心嚴選不含人工防腐劑做為原 物料,讓消費者享用咖啡、美食之餘也能夠同時 達到健康的需求。 明亮浪漫的開放式裝潢風格讓消費者盡情的享用 5 Meal 咖啡及五個用餐時段的悠閒餐點,以及 搭配人體工學的內部設計,工作人員做起事來效率倍增。
ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. Since established in 1988, over the last 20 years, ABB Taiwan has been a reliable and competent partner to the public and private sectors. Within each market and industry, we offer our customers a dedicated and competent localized team of sales, engineering and professional service engineers to support the extensive ranges of systems and products – the largest of this kind in the industry.
ALANTEK INTERNATIONAL was found in 2010. Export funriture to oversee countries. A totally new furniture trading company. Though, it isnt a company has long history but our idea is to continue ALANTEK and finally creat a well-known brand. We truly wellcome people like challenge and hard working. You dont have be familiar with furniture or trading but English skill is definitely required.
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